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    These messages are monitored by the Ohio’s Hospice Communications Team. We will forward your message to the appropriate department. Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County
    3230 N. County Rd. 25A
    Troy, OH 45373
    Phone: 937.335.5191


    Your concerns and suggestions are always important to us and can be communicated to us by contacting our clinical management team at the address or telephone number listed above.

    If we fail to satisfy your questions or concerns, you can also contact the following source:

    The Office of Quality and Patient Safety
    One Renaissance Boulevard
    Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
    Fax: 630.792.5636

    Chaplains Lift Spirits of Patients & Families

    Chaplains are an important part of the Ohio’s Hospice of Miami County interdisciplinary team. Their spiritual support for patients starts with respecting the personal beliefs of each individual.

    Hospice chaplains give the gift of listening to each patient and encouraging them to speak about the people, moments, values, work and relationships that have given them meaning and purpose.

    For some, a religious or faith tradition is an important aspect of their life, giving them meaning and purpose. Their faith can strengthen and comfort them. Our chaplains honor and encourage their faith, joining with personal clergy to reinforce this spiritual foundation that anchors them.

    For others, religion traditions may not have held a central role in their expression of faith, but they may still have a strong sense of spirituality.  Hospice chaplains can help patients reflect upon their beliefs, and express their spirituality.

    Chaplains also support those who define themselves as agnostic or atheist, meeting them where they are with no judgment or agenda.

    The hospice chaplain helps each patient be open to the spiritual experience as they prepare to let go of the life they have known and loved.

    Our team of chaplains includes: Ed Ellis, Mollie Magee, Mike Herbert, and Ronnie Relford.